Por The Sweet Home Make

Japanese Manhole Covers by Umasqu

Our designer developed some creative products as a result of his cultural trip to Japan. The object of choice for this was Japanese manhole covers. In this sense, from his perspective understanding cultures is a special adventure. Far Eastern countries are one of the richest options in this regard. Especially Japan. Japanese cities and streets such as Tokyo and Osaka have an aesthetic and colorful sense in terms of design. These feelings, which reveal the creativity of the street and the city, are reflected in some designs by the residents of the city. Inspired by this theme, our artist reflected the Japanese Manhole Covers theme to the Round wood wall decor theme. For this, he developed three different designs and colors. Manhole covers, one of the objects that we frequently encounter in the street and in the daily life of the city, provides our contact with the infrastructure of the city. In this sense, manhole covers are rich and unusual in design in countries such as Japan. Because Japanese designers, who stand out with their minimal and colorful character, imagine life as a colorful and carnival. And it transfers this to everyday objects like manhole covers.

Japanese Manhole Covers by Umasqu

Japanese Manhole Covers by Umasqu

Japanese Manhole Covers by Umasqu

 Japanese Manhole Covers by Umasqu

Japanese Manhole Covers by Umasqu

Japanese Manhole Covers by Umasqu